Sunday, December 14, 2008

A Weekend of Work


This weekend I spent a great deal of time working on the CyberTable. I have been taking my Battle Kart project from college and trying to update it to Ogre 1.6.0 Shaggoth. This caused a plethora of problems. I had to comment out all of the keyboard functionality and comment out all of the graphical user interface code. I also had to download the Newton SDK and the OgreNewt solution so that I could link the newest Ogre and Newton.

The CEGUI (crazy eddie's graphical user interface) stuff really pissed me off because it worked so well in Battle Kart. When I had to update to the new Ogre, the CEGUI .dll's that I had no longer worked because they were not linked against Ogre 1.6.0. As of right now none of the gui stuff that I had in Battle Kart works, which could make things difficult going forward.
Anyways, this weekend was stressful and frustrating because I was doing all of the tedius BS that is required when setting up a project. Going forward I will be stripping down Battle Kart to its bare essentials. My starting point will be a code base where I can easily get a level loaded from Maya. Then I can start working on the new tech for the project.

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